The Global Vision and Mission of
Swami Vivekananda,
And How It Inspired The Indian
Spiritual Thrust World-wide
An effort to gauge the extent to which the dream of
Swami Vivekananda is getting unfolded globally.
“India’s gift to the world is the light spiritual…The whole world requires light. It is expectant! India alone has the light of the highest spiritual truth… The mission given to us is to conserve, to preserve, to accumulate as it were into a dynamo, all the spiritual energy of the race and that concentrated energy is to pour forth in a deluge on the world whenever circumstances are propitious…”
“That I went to America was not my doing or your doing, but the God of India who is guiding her destiny sent me, and will send hundreds of such to all the nations of the world. No power on earth can resist it. You must go out and preach your religion, preach it to every nation under the sun, and preach it to every people.”

It was in fulfillment of this exhortation that the Vedanta movement and other spiritual movements came into existence in the West and in several other countries.
Following in Vivekananda’s footsteps, the Vedanta Centers have been doing great work in disseminating the Vedic Wisdom in the West. Swamiji’s vision is also getting unfolded all over the world through many individuals and institutions inspired by his universal spiritual vision. The recently concluded 150th Birth Anniversary of Vivekananda spurs us on to reflect upon his global vision and mission and its impact in inspiring the various spiritual movements of India to spread universally. In this context, we regard it as an ideal effort to compile the data of such organisations and great men who have taken the Indian spiritual vision and mission far and wide, providing the life-transforming wisdom of India world-wide. 'Global Directory of Dharma Organisations' is a humble effort to gauge the extent to which the dream of Swamiji is getting unfolded globally.
An informatory booklet titled "The Global Vision and Mission of Swami Vivekananda, and how it inspired the Indian Spiritual Reach World-wide", describing the vision and the mission of the Project, is herefor further details.